Friday Fives - iPhone version

hey all,

Yesterday didn't go well in 'IamCorrectistan'. My life is fine, but this website got all jacked up. Then, my editor sent me 5 questions I had answered in the Spring. I did not want to give you used content. So, I am going to do what I always do when I get stumped here. The first 5 songs that come up from my iPhone and my connection to them.

Note, last time I did this I did a whole piece on Amy Winehouse and how she is not overrated. She died the next fucking morning! The proof is right here.


So, here goes.  Hope no ones dies >

Bob Dylan - My Back Pages
Well, I just love Bob Dylan.  Bob Dylan comprises about 30% of my music listening every day.  Right now, in fact, I am listening to my Bob Dylan station on Pandora.  This song has the greatest lyric in the hook.  Good stuff, and deep.  "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now".

Big Jim Slade - Ain't it Free
This is a local band, and some friends.  About 15 years ago, we were all co-workers at Nextel.  This is Slaus, Thad, and the bass players name escapes me.  I think he went by 'Lopey'.  Anyway, these guys are really great.  They put out an album long ago and I still listen often.  It is called 'Befuddled'.  They have been broken up about ten years now, probably, with Slaus now living in Atlanta (I think).  I tried to find a youtube clip of them for you, but could not.  It's a shame, they are amazing.  Note, if you google the band name, another band comes up with same name.   This is why our Big Jim Slade changed their name at the end of their time together to 'Lemon Engine'.  I wish I could have found their music, it is SO good.  Tell you what, find me and i will burn you a copy

Allman Brothers - Ain't wastin time no more
Love this song.  Great early rocker from the band.  This cut is from the Red Rocks cd.  Even better is I was at this show (I am at all their shows.  have seen them over 20 times).  Tough story behind the song.  The band was almost done with their landmark lp 'Eat a Peach'.  Seriously, this album could just be called 'greatest hits'.  Blue Sky, One Way Out, Melissa, Statesboro Blues.  Anyhow, they were done with this record when their guitarist, Duane Allman, died in a motorcycle accident.  After his happened, Greg Allman went back into the studio to cut this track to honor his brother.  Heavy stuff!

Joe Myers - Alchemy
Joe Myers is an amazing acoustic guitarist.  Possibly the greatest in history.  I kinda grew up watching Joe, as he is a Phoenix musician.  I used to see him every week in college at ASU, and that was 20 years ago.  Now, I didn't go see him every week because I was a big fan.  No, he was simply the local band at the one place that never carded.  I came to love his music and his musicianship.  I kind of think of him as a friend.  He is still gigging, and I just saw him last summer.  He has CDs on iTunes, and you should buy some.  Here are some clips, dig it!  I have seen Joe probably 30 or 40 times, and it is never enough.  He isn't just an amazing guitar player, he is a great songwriter, and a hell of a nice guy.

Pearl Jam - Alive
Well, you know I love this band.  This band is the only band I am in a 'fan club' for.  Have been since 1997.  LOVE me some Pearl Jam, and of course I see them whenever they come.  There are only 2 bands at this point that i NEVER miss live - Iron Maiden and Pearl Jam.  This song is their big breakthrough anthem off their debut album.  not sure if a better debut record exists.  I can tell you this, though; there is something amazing being in a crowd with 30,000 other people singing along to the chorus.  I put a clip uip above. Well, I'll just add it here, too.  Dig this voice.  It really is something.

Oh, and check out this story.  I have probably told it a million times.  The first time I saw them live I had NO idea who they were.  They were just breaking on MTV with 'Even Flow', but I didn't have cable.  I was there to see the other 2 bands:  Nirvana and the Chili's.  It was pretty much the concert of a lifetime.  one night, one stage - Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Pearl Jam.  All were at the peak of their powers.  Nirvana had just broke through with 'Smells like Teen Spirit"


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