Quick thoughts on the new Beatles doc


Some context.  I love the Beatles.  Yes, I am one of those people who think they are the greatest.  They were before my time, sadly.  I am 49.  I don't even remember John Lennon dying.  I was 8, so it didn't have a big impact.  I don't think they are overrated. It's possible they were underrated.  they didn't just change music by making great music.  They completely changed the business of music.  They wrote all their songs, played their own instruments, managed their own affairs.  NONE of this was the regular.

anyhow, i don't know that I have a lot of Beatles content on here.  I think we all take them for granted.  I was discussing the doc with my pal, Roy, and I figured I would just share that.

sent to Roy, verbatim copy/paste of my email to him.  Friday, Dec 10  2021.

Through some online piracy, I finally got access to the Beatles doc.  It is amazing.  What a gift to mankind to see the four greatest minds in rock music history to create and real time… and to goof around and be so… mortal.  I have only watched the first piece, about 2 hours I think.  I can’t help but notice.  Its not Paul doing a lot of the ‘heavy lifting’, its Paul doing ALL the lifting.

Which to me speaks of what broke the band up.  It was NEVER Yoko.  It was Brian Epstein’s death that broke up the Beatles.  He was the grown up, he was beloved, and unquestionable in charge.  Once he died, I think that is when the band fell apart.  Right around then, and surely after, John starts checking out – consciously or otherwise.  He was more interested in Yoko and drugs than the Beatles.  Not unusual, I bet they were all pretty sick of a lot of it by then.  

But, someone has to be the grown up.  Someone has to make decisions and plans and write songs to keep this thing going.  I always thought that was Paul, and now we can see its true.  I can’t wait to watch the next four hours.

In closing, two things I will not tolerate. 

People blaming Yoko for breaking up the band.  Its so sexist.  If she even did break up the band, that is on john for using her as a wedge.

Her singing.  My god, its just terrible.  And everyone on earth seemed to know this except John and Yoko.  Yoko is and was never a bad person or bad influence.  She is and was, though, a truly terrible singer.




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