Patti Smith is overrated

I know it's not cool to say. I know that everyone who is cool lists her as a friend or influence. Normally, that carries a lot of sway with me (see my Joni Mitchell piece). Anyhow, everyone thinks she is cool. I have heard her music and she is a terrible terrible singer. Like, worse than Lou Reed. On top of that, she seems mostly famous for covers. While she might be as ugly as Joe Cocker, her skills to not compare. I saw her on Leno (or Letterman, one of those shows) doing a Stone's song and she just butchered it. It must have been Letterman's, because she was in NYC for the Rock and Roll hall of fame. She was getting inducted, or inducting someone... who cares.
I want to like her. I admire how she appears to play entirely by her own rules. I like she
seems to follow an inner muse most of us will never access. Maybe I expect a female pop star or similar in the public eye to be prettier. I don't want that to be why I don't like her. However, she truly does go out of her way to not follow into gender expectations. But she can't sing. Or maybe she won't.
Like Warhol, or Paris Hilton... she is the punk rock equivalent. She is famous for being famous. Lastly, look at that picture. I mean, I think it's great she doesn't feel obligated to buy into the patriarchal models of femininity and sexuality but dude... at least brush your fuckin' hair.
Somehow her and Lou Reed convinced every hipster that they are gospel. Musicians that I really like and respect hold her at the top. I don't get it.
"brush your hair" That's her style, not copycat like those whom you have named. Fact still remains that no other female artist is much multitude like her. She is first in what she did. Learn to respect that in place of writing these all. Enough Said.
But it is just a terrible "cod rock" pile of cringeness that was probably written by Jim Steinman in his coffee break while working for that other talentless pile of blubber Marvin Meatloaf.
Bonnie "karioke queen" Tyler should have done this, and I am sure that she probably did in "Cardiff Ex Miners and Wheeltappers Social Club" in between the bingo and the leek and marrow contest.
Do a bit of Cher and Tina Turner and bob's your uncle. "Great turn lads, we will deffo have you back here"
but not in society’s standards really. I mean people like Stevie Nicks overshadow her
and if anyone is riding off of gimmicks, it’s Stevie.
Anyway, to conclude..she came out before aesthetics were “aesthetics”,
she’s not trying to be some feminine ideal by being who she is, she just is as a person.
She’s a true artist and great lyricist, powerful in her way of delivering art so yeah “cool people”
are going to want to associate themselves with her because she’s a talent.
So this whole post was just a waste of your time by just criticizing someone so you could
add more garbage onto the internet that you can’t get rid of in reality.
Pat Smith has been idolized (like many other artists ... Yes ... MANY OTHERS) just because they attract everyone's attention and all these moths follow that light but it does NOT mean they are great. Blind people need to follow, at least one one-eyed person. And Smith is not the exception. Her lyrics are rubbish. And if she's been in the music media for so long, it has only been because of that, because of how easily ordinary it can be. Not because of something different that changes your mind. Because it is easy to digest and people like things easy.