Friday Fives

1. If you could get a band together and were guaranteed a record contract, what genre of music would you do?

rock. Just about any kind of rock. I just want to play my strat and score crazy groupie sex and drugs and cash. I mean, of course the integrity of the music is important... but so is the quality of the blow.

2. What would your stage name be?

well, each time me and Carlos play in public we take different stage names. My favorite for myself would be Johnny Rocket. Carlos' best stage name is Iron Balls McGinty

3. What would be the title of you first C.D.?

I'd like to say 'steal this album' but System of a Down beat me to it.

4. What is the craziest name in music. (i.e.. musician with the weirdest name) real or otherwise?

I'd have to say Axl Rose (real name, William Bailey). I mean, what kind of name to make up is Axl? It sounds normal to us now because we grew up with Axl, but that is just a fucked up name.

5. Who is you biggest musical influence?

hmmm, that is a pretty big question. If I could only name one it would be Dylan. His early work was so amazing, and his sense of humor then still hasn't been matched. Dylan was playing with you and you never even knew it. For example, I was listening to the radio yesterday and Counting Crows' Mr. Jones was on. After the song the dj said "Man, I sure wish they would tell us who Mr. Jones is". Well, I'll tell you who he is. Mr. Jones is a reference to a Dylan song called 'Ballad of a Thin Man' of Highway 61. The key line in the song is 'Because something is happening here But you don't know what it is Do you, Mister Jones ?'. Reporters dogged Dylan with the same question. Mr. Jones is john q public. Mr Jones is the 'man'. Mr Jones is us, a bunch of squares. So Dylan would just fuck with these guys because if they were asking who Mr Jones was, they didn't get it. Bob didn't like explaining his music to squares and corporate types (sit down and watch 'Don't Look Back' sometime) - so he would torture these guys with inane answers that they would print.
via Dan


Anonymous said…
1. 1. If you could get a band together and were guaranteed a record contract, what genre of music would you do?
My current band has been refered to a cross between Depeche Mode and ZZ Top. Blusey rock with an 80’s influence

2. What would your stage name be?
I have been dubbed Graham Pearl.

3. What would be the title of you first C.D.?
Our first C.D. was “ Rockin’ the Suburbs”. It was way before Ben Folds came out.

4. What is the craziest name in music. (i.e.. musician with the weirdest name) real or otherwise?
Magic Dick. Sax player for th J. Giels Band

5. Who is you biggest musical influence?
Niel Young. Tom Petty. Niel Peart.

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