Hunter S Thompson - still alive
Hey all, we often wait until a great talent is dead to stop and take a moment to appreciate their impact. I want to stop and talk about a great influence in my life and style while he is still here and making trouble. Hunter is still kicking. Y’all know he wrote Fear and Loathing in
He is in league with Jack Kerouac, Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski, William S Burroughs (you are catching a theme here, right?). So read Hunter now! He is still active, about as much as he ever was (a book every 10 years or so). Hunter got married last year, so we can assume he plans to live at least a few more years. Hunter is one of the big reasons I moved to Colorado. I still have the first atlas I bought when we were getting ready to move to Denver from AZ. There is only one cicle on the whole map... Woody Creek.